After my friend got into a pretty significant car accident, I began thinking about ways to prevent the same type of thing from happening in my own life. I started driving safer and working on eliminating issues, and while it was difficult, it really helped me to clear my head while I was on the road. I also opted for a higher auto insurance policy, which I felt would be especially helpful in the long run. Now I can honestly say that my car is covered and I don't worry too much about the ramifications of other drivers on the road. Read this blog to learn more.
Car insurance is a critical investment for anyone who owns or drives a vehicle. It provides financial pro
Car insurance is a necessary investment for every vehicle owner. It covers expenses related to damage cau
Adding a teenager to your auto insurance policy can be a significant financial milestone. While it's esse
Filing an auto insurance claim doesn't need to be a stressful and overwhelming process, even if you've ne
Homeowner's insurance covers you in case of a robbery or if your home and its contents are damaged becaus
So many homeowner's make the mistake of taking out their homeowner's insurance policy, paying the premiums each month and not giving it anymore thought until something goes wrong. This is a mistake for many reasons. Here, you'll find a few reasons to update your homeowner's insurance policy.
If you've made renovations to the home, you may need to update your insurance policy—especially if the renovations increased the value of the home. If you don't update the policy and the house was to burn down, you'd only receive the payout for the value of the home as you have it listed on the policy.
If you're unsure if the value of the home has changed, you can have an appraisal done to be sure that the information listed on the policy is accurate and you won't take a loss if something happens. This appraisal is then sent to the insurance company to prove value and update the policy. This could mean a small increase in your premiums as the coverage will be greater.
Big Ticket Purchases
If you've made some big ticket purchases since the policy was written, you'll need to update the policy. If the value of goods in your home is more today than it was when the policy was written, you may take a big loss when the time comes to file a claim.
Firearms Collection
If you have a firearms collection, insurance is a must. If your collection is valuable, you'll need to add an insurance rider to the policy to cover the guns. Most standard policies only cover firearms up to a certain dollar amount—anything greater than that will be a loss. So, as the value of your firearms collection grows, you'll need to update the policy to reflect the true value of the firearms to ensure that you can replace them for what you get paid from the insurance claim.
Some breeds of dogs will require an additional rider on your insurance policy. If you're unsure if your breed of dog is on the list of potentially dangerous dogs, you'll need to check with your insurance provider to learn if you'll need to update the policy. If you have one of the dogs listed and the dog bites someone, you may not have the insurance to protect you from liability.
Talk with your insurance provider to learn more about what needs to be done when you update your homeowner's insurance policy. For more information, reach out to companies like D E Cressman Insurance Agency Inc.