After my friend got into a pretty significant car accident, I began thinking about ways to prevent the same type of thing from happening in my own life. I started driving safer and working on eliminating issues, and while it was difficult, it really helped me to clear my head while I was on the road. I also opted for a higher auto insurance policy, which I felt would be especially helpful in the long run. Now I can honestly say that my car is covered and I don't worry too much about the ramifications of other drivers on the road. Read this blog to learn more.
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If you have used the same company for several years for your auto insurance, you may still be paying the same premium each month that you were quoted back then. However, if you have had any significant changes in your life, you may be able to reduce the amount of money that you pay. Below are a couple of life changes that could help reduce your auto insurance premiums.
1. You Recently Purchased a New House
When you first purchased your insurance, you may have been living in an apartment or renting a home. However, since then, you may have worked on your credit and finally gotten together enough money for a deposit to purchase a new house. If so, you may be able to use this major purchase to decrease your auto insurance rates.
When you own a house, you are often required to also carry homeowner's insurance. If the company through which you have your auto insurance also provides this type of service, consider purchasing the insurance for your home through them.
When you bundle your insurance plans, the company typically reduces the premiums on both types, helping you to save money. While it may seem that you are paying more each month, you would end up spending more if you were to purchase the plans separately.
2. You Accepted a Job Position Closer to Home
Another life change that could help reduce your insurance rates is a change in where you work. When you first signed up with your insurance company, you may have had a job where you had a long commute or even had to travel as part of your responsibility. Because you were on the road more often, your premium may have been higher because of the increased risk of an accident.
However, if you have accepted a job position closer to home that requires less commuting and less traveling, you will not be on the road quite as often. If you report this decrease in the daily usage of your vehicle, your insurance company may adjust your premium and off you a discount because of the lower mileage and lower risk of an incident.
The above life-changing events are only a couple of ways you can help reduce your monthly insurance premiums. Contact your auto insurance agent for more information on discount programs or to request an insurance quote based on any changes in your life.